AVCHD - Ready for Prime Time?

Getting the footage loaded up on my Mac wasn't the problem. You simply copy the clips from the SD card to your computer and then drop them with the Voltaic HD converter from Mas1080HD.com . The conversion to the Apple Intermediate codec takes quite a bit of time, about 12 to 1 on my machine, but you end up with a full rez square pixel 1080i file. I'm starting to get excited. The test clip looked just fine in QT pro and played back without problems.

I thought I'd try capturing in iMovie HD from iLife 08 which supports AVCHD. I didn't have Final Cut installed on the test machine. The conversion to the Apple Intermediate Codec is much faster, but the size problem is still there and so is the random field reversal. It was time to give the camera back and also time to do other things. Except for this field problem and the time it takes to get the footage into a usable format for post, this little camera produced some remarkable images. Don't get me wrong, there are compression artifacts that show up in the shadows, and the picture from the tiny chips and itty-biddy lens will never match up to more professional rigs. The extra resolution may be enough to hide some of the problems if the footage is downsized to HDV or 720P resolution if the field problem and the frame rate problem can be solved and the AVCHD compression algorithm can be improved a bit more. If I get a chance I'll post a short bit of this test footage on the site.
At October 13, 2007 3:03 AM ,
jim said...
Sounds like a lot of effort and trouble. I really don't think AVCHD is in anyway a good choice for filmmakers.
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